Since our gods and our aspirations are no longer anything but
scientific, why shouldn’t our loves be so too? In place of that Eve of
the forgotten legend despised and discredited by Science,
I offer you a scientific Eve…
— L’Eve Future, Villiers de L’Isle-Adam
Let us obtain from science
an equation for love. Give her
silver skin, impregnable
armour. Let Hadaly’s lungs
be golden phonographs, programmed
with great works of art. Let her save
Simple minded men
from the rouge pots
of their deceptive mistresses.
Let this innocent facsimile
replace false, mediocre
ever-changing reality
with her enchanting, ever-
faithful illusion,
our electric phantom, our
ideal woman.

I love the way Chris explores science and technology in unexpected ways. I’m very interested in representations of women as cyborgs and androids, usually that takes place in futuristic writing but here Chris looks to the past, which is a pleasing turn-around for me as a reader. Also the fact that it is a found poem reflects the constructed nature of automata in a most satisfying way!
Read a biography of Chris Price here.
Helen Heath, this week's editor, is a poet and blogger based in New Zealand. In 2009 she completed an MA in creative writing at Victoria University. Her poetry has been published in many journals in New Zealand and Australia. Visit Helen’s Blog and the other Tuesday Poets using our blog list to your right.
"Hadaly" makes me run for rouge pots, my tube of Dr. Hauschka make-up, eye-liner, and lipstick. Isn't that the point? I'm thinking of the replica of a woman in "Blade Runner," how she wants to cross over into our world. Right now I'm appreciating pink lungs. Yet there is something appealing about facsimiles. This one is so much like those pictures of fashion models.
What a nice algebra to calculate, receiving time and again the same result, that love indeed is able to wear any colour, as long as they are true.
Please have a wonderful Tuesday.
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