A man I talked with in a bar in Berlin
once read poetry, he said, with passion, served
with distinction in an army he loathed. Beyond
which he said little. He drank Schnapps. He advised,
as we parted, to avoid epiphanies as I would gunfire.
His phrase for ordering a Schnapps was 'to dim the
The sentiment of goodly things
The birds are back at the feeder
now the air is warmer.
They come and go
in a way reminding me of keys in old
typewriters, flitting up and there for a second,
gone as another arrives.
I don't quite
catch at what it is they're typing,
something, one fancies, about enjoying
the fact of again and
hope that's
what they're writing.
It must be,
the way the keys keep
coming back.
© Vincent O'Sullivan
Here: Selected Poems, Victoria University Press, 2015
Reproduced on The Tuesday Poem with permission.
Editor: Jennifer Compton


To find out more, you may like to click here.
Today's editor, Jennifer Compton, lives in Melbourne.
Her poem, 'Now You Shall Know', won the Newcastle Poetry Prize
in 2013, and the collection of the same name was published this year in Australia, while her long poem Mr Clean and The Junkie was published in New Zealand as part of the Hoopla series 2015 (Mākaro Press).
In addition to today's feature be sure to check out
the wonderful poems featured by other Tuesday Poets, using our blog
roll to the left of this posting.
I'm already a big fan of Vincent's poetry. I haven't seen his latest collection yet, but will be getting hold of it as soon as I can. Thanks for this selection, Jennifer, which is wry and understated - a bit like the man himself.
I love the analogy of the birds to the typewriter keys and the observant warmth of the poem as well.
A terrific post. The poems, the poet, the post, the poster, all fill me up in the way you felt filled up, Jen. This is a hymn to poetry and to writing in general – holding the hand of KM indeed! – where it goes, the joys it brings, again and again. Thank you to you and to Vincent, our outgoing poet laureate and a marvellous man.
To use Vincent's words I agree with all the above 'again and again'
Such a pleasurable post! Thank you Jen and Vincent.
I wonder how long it will be before the typewriter imagery needs to be explained by footnotes. Or embedded links.
Nice selection.
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