A brief bio of each of the three poets is presented below their featured poem. (Please note: the 3 finalists are listed in alphabetical order.)

The Lustre Jug
in praise of poetry
there is a question that the sky
asks daily of the sea, something about faith
and unfaith, maybe,
a shirring of the lovely surface,
the silver slip, the embossed artwork
name for me, love, the parts of the flower
and I will tell you how beautiful
the women were when they were young
how they shone in the presence
of God immanent stirring within them, stirring
within everything, how their eyes shone
and then there was always the question
of sex, the joy of it, and death and the poem,
how all three needed, how they still need nothing
more or less than abandonment,
the strewing of roses
name for me, love, the parts of the flower :
anther, aril, axil, bract, calyx, carpel, corolla,
glume, keel, ligule, ovary, pedicel, petal,
petiole, sepal, sinus, sheath, spikelet, sporangium,
stamen, stigma, stipule, tomentum, whorl
the wild geese call as they fly over the estuary,
long strings of them and paradise ducks
and two black swans, the one following the other,
creak creak the sound like a child’s swing
the arguments, the proofs twist down
but they don’t persuade, they never will,
unlike the axle creaking within the turning wheel
Note: This poem also insists on being a gift for Michele Leggott, NZ Poet Laureate 2008 -2009

Bernadette Hall is recognised as one of New Zealand's more distinctive poetic voices. She was the 1996 Burns Fellow at Otago University and an Artists in Antarctica Fellow in 2004. The author of nine poetry collections, her work has been published in a range of national and international anthologies. Hall was the 2006 Victoria University Writer in Residence and in 2007 held the Rathcoola Residency in Donoughmore, Ireland.

‘Bride with beautiful feet’
Under a sudden sunfall of bright
that strikes the dark in waiting,
we look to sing one pleasure or
another--trying to understand
the way we come to each other,
to let loose words in their looking,
whose language is telling what story,
ours; the right kind of adventure,
waiting for some goddess or other,
dear Sappho to arrive on a rill
of wind; to take your ease, to lean
back, to shout the world the right place
for love to come calling on the ‘wings
of pretty sparrows’. In all the right
places, the right touch to take with great
style the pleasures of your company
Water in one hand fire in the other,
we sing you to make the far, more
near, and the more love’s longing--
some die without it--but look: you
are as sunlight among flowÉers, such
a ‘bride with pretty feet’, we make
the air be music with your name.
(c) Michael Harlow
(c) Michael Harlow


High Windows
If you want to compliment someone call him grounded.
If you want to do him a favour
pray that there’s more order than chaos, more love
than hatred and resentment in his life, that
transfiguration and redemption are acquaintances,
at least, and possibly friends. Let him be
wistful rather than woeful when looking out of high windows.
Allow him to prance, say he knew wonder and joy
and turned his back on the place called Last Resort.
Let him believe he told the truth, most of the time.
(c) Brian Turner

In addition to our three featured poets, Tuesday Poem Blog poets are also posting a poem with "New Zealand" as a theme, or—for poets not from NZ—a poem on the joys of poetry and the making of poems. Please do check them out and enjoy Naional Poetry Day with us!